Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation For Brain Injuries

Brain injuries are often associated with the damage of Brain cells. Mainly there are two types of injuries one is Traumatic brain injury(TBI)  which is caused by an external force such as jolt or blow to head common causes include motorcycle crashes, Sports injuries, Falls in this mainly it damages the skull. Another category of damage include Acquired brain injury (ABI) which occurs at the cellular level as a result of pressure on the brain or genetic or cognitive disorders such as fetal alcohol syndrome, perinatal hypoxia, Tumours, stroke, Aneurysms and many more .The severity of the damage can vary with the type of injury complications may vary as temporary to life-changing and debilitating problems

Symptoms of this Brain injury are numerous and categorised such as Cognitive which include Difficulty in expressing thoughts,  Understanding, processing information, memory loss and perceptual  symptoms include change in vision, hearing, the sensation of touch and feel, Disorders of smell and taste. Physical symptoms like paralysis, Physical and mental fatigue, sleep disorders, sensitivity to light. Behaviour and emotional symptoms include Stress, High emotional reactions, Sluggishness, Loss of patience, Denial of disability, irritability

Physical therapy and rehabilitation begin in a hospital after performing medical diagnostic and medication almost every patient will benefit from rehabilitation for long term recovery. Procedures include  Cognitive rehabilitation in this therapist will be specialised to improve  thinking skills and help the patient to excel in personal self-curing strategies and occupational roles. Vocational A rehabilitation which develops a plan to resume at your previous work helps you in setting new carrier goals and intervention planning also carrier counselling, job development and placement services Neuromuscular brain rehabilitation where the physical and occupational therapist uses state of art facilities to treat motor control limitations and mobility. Speech-language rehabilitation which is performed by a speech-language pathologist work to improve talking and communication. Brain injury copping skills(BICS) it’s like a support group designed programme for a certain time frame  with the neurophysical and social worker in this education and training provided for both patient and family members


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