Can Rehabilitation Help recover spinal Cord Injury?

Physical medicine and rehabilitation:   Physical medicine and rehabilitation is a branch of medicine that intends to restore body functions of people that they lost due to medical conditions or injury.  Rehabilitation helps in restoring several body functions, as well as intestine and bladder issues, mastication and swallowing, issues in thinking or reasoning, movement or quality, speech, and language.. Conditions that affect the ability to function include brain disorders, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or cerebral palsy, chronic pain including back and neck pain, major bone or joint surgery, severe burns, or limb amputation, severe arthritis, severe weakness after recovering from a serious illness, spinal cord injury or brain injury.
Spinal cord injury:  it’s the temporary or permanent damage to changes in the function of the spinal cord or damage to any spinal cord nerves symptoms may include problems with muscular weakness, coordination, spasms, stiff muscles, overactive reflexes. Whole-body sweating or faint. Loss of sensation to touch and feel (Pins and needles). Problems with urinary retention also some common sensations such as painful sensation, leaking of stool and shortness of breath, problems in walking, Headache, Signs of shock Pain and stiff of the back area of the body
Rehabilitation for spinal cord injury:  The ultimate goal while treatment is repairing the damage created by injuries and also provides emotional, physical & mental support and also education and resources  
Acute recovery:  occupational therapy plays an important role it includes a team of psychologists, social workers, Physical therapist, physiatrists work under common goal for rehabilitation there are almost four types :
·         Respiration
·         Functional electrical stimulation
·         Improving locomotors function
·         Provision
Other stages and treatments may include:
·         Sexual and fertility management
·         Neurologic functions
·         Spasticity management
·         Diagram pacing system
·         Upper extremity function restoration
Post rehabilitation recovery: it’s also the most important phase of treatment this replaces most of the inpatient treatments use of assistive devices such as wheelchairs which help in patient movement and another activates of daily life the patient living environment also modified by ramps and lifts instead of staircase
Functional independence such as movability and daily activates of life on their own rather than depending on others. Massage therapy also included showing good results for a range of motion rehabilitation. Evaluation of limb functions   for future actions
Gait training:             Body weight supported treadmill training used to reduce lower bone mass researches shown daily this exercise for 10 mines shows significant results in reducing the loss of bone mass. This is assisted with the latest robotic assistive treadmill training it clued training walking speed assistance, gait patterns, provide consistency of movements  

Conclusion:  physical therapy and rehabilitation can not only improve body physical and pain elements of the injury but very helpful in emotional and mental support by community re-entry therapy, patient and family support peer training, comprehensive patient and family education


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