Simple procedures in Cardiac Rehabilitation after ASD closure surgery for Adults and young patients
Simple procedures in Cardiac Rehabilitation after ASD closure surgery for Adults and young patients Heart : The human heart is the most important part of our body which performs pumping of blood throughout the body by using the circulatory system, supply essential nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and helps in removing waste and carbon dioxide. If the heart doesn’t perform the above activates it may lead to serious effects or death ASD Closure surgery : atrial septal defect (ASD) is a type of congenital heart disease usually referred to as heart hole most of these develop during early child stages. In a high number of cases, ASDs are diagnosed and treated successfully with few complications. Most of these conditions it doesn’t show any signs or symptoms patient may look healthy and gain weight and in severe cases of symptoms may include poor appetite, Growth, tiredness, breathing problems, lung infections. The doctor may recommend seve...